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The US Fortune magazine once posed to its readers such a question in a questionnaire: “If you were to choose again, what would you like to be?” “I’d like to run a grocery store in the countryside,” a high-ranking official in the military responded. “My dream,” said a woman minister, “is to go down to the beach of Costa Rica and open a small inn.” A mayor indicated that his desire is to start afresh as a photographer. The Minister of Labor preferred to become the manager of a beverage company. The answers from several businessmen, however, were by far the most bizarre. One wanted to become a woman; another wanted to be a dog; one even indicated his wish to withdraw from the human world and simply transform into a plant. People in other trades answered the same question in various ways. Some wished to run for President, others wanted to be diplomats, and still others cherished the idea of working in a bakery. Whatever they set their minds on, none was willing to remain what they are should a new choice arise.
People are forever in a dilemma. They live a fairly good life and their circumstances are as good as can be, but from time to time they grow tired of all this. One can hardly attribute this mentality, arising from life’s monotony and lack of passion, to insatiability on the part of humans.
I used to envy a married couple who lived in a forest, where groves of fir trees and bamboos flourished, with quiet and secluded cobble stone paths meandering through the woods, birds chirping beautifully and flowers permeating fragrance. Yet when they realized that they had unwittingly become an object of admiration owing to the unique location of their house, they were truly perplexed. In their eyes, there was little in the forest which deserved to be seen or made such a fuss about when compared to the fun and abundant life a metropolis can provide!
That experience told me that when one becomes too familiar with something, one stops enjoying it. The couple had long been used to everything within their sight—he trees and the flowers, breezes and the moon—that those were no longer regarded as natural wonders but simply a constituent part of their unvarying life.
During a life’s journey, the worst thing that can happen to a person is perhaps not poverty nor misfortune, but an unutterable, nagging sense of languor. What may have moved him so much, no longer does. What he once found so charming has lost its charm. Even things that infuriated him so much fail to make a single stir in his heart! Such being the case, the person truly needs to go elsewhere to look for different scenery.
英语美文 - 捷优佛山翻译公司 -Devin

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:11-10-25] [热度:]